The Complete List of
A. W. Livingston
Tomato Introductions
(Sorted Chronologically by the Year of Introduction)
Bio ] [
Business History ] [
Complete List of Introductions ]
Available Livingston Tomato Varieties ] [
Livingston Family Tree ]
list below represents the lifetime work of seedsman, and father of the
modern tomato,
Alexander W. Livingston. It also represents more than two
decades of biodiversity and historical horticultural preservation work
done by Mike Dunton. Seeds are made available to the public through the
Victory Seed Company.
Click Here to read the rest of the story below.
[ Note: Varieties in
BOLD-type have been located and are
available by clicking the link. The varieties in ITALIC font
are presumed to be extinct. Notes about this are in

Paragon - Introduced in 1870.
Acme -
Introduced in 1875. Mike
Notes: Although there are people offering a tomato that
they are calling 'Livingston Acme', it is not true to the
historical record. We are
still searching for a sample that meets the original
descriptions but the medium-sized, smooth-skinned, pink colored
'Acme' is presumed extinct.
Perfection - Introduced in 1880.
Golden Queen - Introduced in 1882.
Favorite - Introduced in 1883.
Beauty - Introduced in 1886.
Potato Leaf - Introduced in 1887.
Stone - Introduced in 1889.
Royal Red -
Introduced in 1892.
Popular from 1893
to 1907. Mike Dunton
Notes: Seems to be
Gold Ball - Introduced in 1892.
Buckeye State - Introduced in 1893.
- Introduced in 1893.
Mike Dunton
Notes: It is presumed
Large Rose
Peach - Introduced in 1893.
Mike Dunton
Notes: Referencing
our Livingston catalog collection, they listed it for sale from 1893 until
1912. For fifteen years it was available but it never looks like it caught
on (we found no other companies listing it in their catalogs), and quietly
disappeared. It is presumed extinct.
Globe - Introduced in 1897 and then introduced to the
commercial seed trade (for other companies to sell), in 1905.
Honor Bright (Lutescent) - Introduced in 1897.
Dwarf Yellow
Prince - Introduced in 1898. Mike
Notes: Although it appears that there is a discrepancy
in the catalog descriptions, the tomato size did not change, just the standard
of measure. It is likely that this was done to more
accurately reflect size in relationship to the size of
contemporarily available varieties. This variety is
presumed to be extinct.
Magnus - Introduced in 1900.
Aristobright - Introduced in 1901.
Mike Dunton
Notes: These 1901
introductions were mistakes. It turns out that they were all obtained from
a noted professor and the company released them as new varieties.
Unfortunately, they were only F2 crosses and not stabilized. They were
quickly dropped from future catalogs.
Royal Colors
- Introduced in 1901.
Mike Dunton
Notes: See note under
Dandy Dwarf
- Introduced in 1901.
Mike Dunton
Notes: See note under
- Introduced in 1901.
Mike Dunton
Notes: See note under
Princess -
Introduced in 1901.
Mike Dunton
Notes: See note under
- Introduced in 1901.
Mike Dunton
Notes: See note under
Dwarf Stone - Introduced in 1902.
Dwarf Purple
- Introduced in 1903.
Mike Dunton
Notes: It is presumed
Hummer -
Introduced in 1907.
Mike Dunton
Notes: It is presumed
Coreless -
Introduced in 1908.
Mike Dunton
Notes: It is presumed
- Introduced in 1917.
Mike Dunton
Notes: It is presumed
Rosy Morn - Introduced in 1923.
Oxheart - Introduced in 1926.
Hansing's Improved Wilt-Resistant Marvel - Introduced in 1927.
Yellow Oxheart - Introduced in 1929.
Ohio Red -
Introduced in 1929.
Mike Dunton
Notes: We did obtain a seed sample with this name but it
was old and we did not get seeds to germinate for the 2002 growing season.
We tried procedures to improve germination and was able to get one plant
to germinate in 2003, grew it out in 2004, and kept selecting.
Picking up where the Livingston's left off, we have been growing
and selecting for the traits described in the historical record. But
taking our queue from Livingston's, we are re-releasing it 'Ohio Red' in
2012 with the disclaimer that its fruits do have variability in shape. As
Livingston's put it, "It is not entirely
fixed in type as yet, but we are making some of the finest selections for
our yearly plantings, and it will be interesting to note the improvement
as the years go by."
Ideal - Introduced in 1930.
Main Crop Pink - Introduced in 1941.
Several of the
releases above were made by the
Livingston Seed Company after the passing of their founder.
In time, the status and stature of company declined and all but a few of
their varieties were dropped by the seed industry and lost to the home
gardening public.
How did all of this get started?
In the late 1990s, after reading
A. W. Livingston's semi-biographical book entitled, "Livingston
and the Tomato," Mike Dunton was shocked at how this important
seedsman had all but vanished into obscurity. It became a personal
mission to not only raise awareness of
Mr. Livingston's contributions to the commercial tomato industry and horticulture
in general, but to also re-release as
many of his seed varieties as possible.
Thus began the decade's long process of accumulating
documentation and seeking out seed samples.
Since one did not exist, the first step in this process was to
actually create a documented list of the tomato varieties that Livingston released
(see above). A partial list of early releases was made by the man's own hand in his
aforementioned book. The rest of the list was a bit more difficult to
assemble and it actually evolved over a period of several of years.
Old company seed catalogs were an important
part of this research phase. Catalogs were purchased when possible
(and make up an important part of the
Victory Horticultural Library's Collection). Through the
years, friendships were made with catalog collectors and scans of pages
were contributed to this effort.
As the list of introductions was being
compiled, we requested and received samples of every Livingston variety
that the USDA's seed bank held. Seed from commercial sources was also purchased
on the open market and trialed (and
generally failed to match Livingston's descriptions). Some
seed samples were provided by seed savers.
All of the samples were grown out and
compared to the historical records. We only released the varieties
that have a paper trail (provenance) to the original releases and that match the original
descriptions, artwork and where possible, photographs.
After more than two decades of expending
time, money, and resource to research and grow these tomatoes, we are
proud that the
Victory Seed Company
is offering the most complete, as well as, the most accurate collection of
A. W. Livingston tomato varieties available in perhaps over eighty
years. A
word of caution regarding opportunistic folks . . . Just as they did in
the time of
A. W. Livingston, other seed sellers have purchased our seed,
grown out on their own stock and are offering some of these varieties that
we have worked to re-release.
Note that the seed that they offer has not
been grown by us. If you would like to grow out seed that is as
close to what you could have purchased from old A. W. himself, please consider
ordering from the
Victory Seed Company. Your purchases help to support this type of seed
variety preservation work that we do. Without it, varieties like these would
remain in obscurity or worse, lost forever.
[Note: The
Seedsman Hall of Fame, the
Horticultural Library, and the
Livingston Tomato Collection are all a result of reading "Livingston
and the Tomato" and funded through the seed sales from our
gardening supporters. Thank you for your active participation in
this mission.] |